1. For the first 3 hours after the operation, avoid hot food, and drinks. After this eat any soft food, which you can manage .
2. Do not gargle and spit for the rest of the day.
3. Antibiotics should be taken as prescribed.
4. When the anesthesia wears off, you may have slight discomfort, not pain. Painkiller prescribed to you will take care of any pain experienced.
5. Brush and floss normally ,Use Chlorhexidine mouth rinse after brushing.(2nd day)
6. Swelling is not unusual particularly in the area of surgical procedure. Swelling generally subsides in 3-4 days. If the swelling is painful or appears to become worse, please call the clinic. There may be occasional bloodstains in the saliva in the first 4-5 hours after the surgical procedure. This is not unusual and will correct itself. If there is considerable bleeding DO NOT TRY TO STOP BY RINSING & Contact the clinic immediately.
7. You may experience a slight feeling of weakness or chills during the first 24 hours. This should be reported at the next visit. Follow your regular daily activities but avoid excessive exertion of any type.
8. Avoid lifting lips to check the wound as might cause bleeding in the treated area.
9. Do not smoke, as the heat and smoke will irritate your gums and delay healing.
10. You can eat normal food from the next day but eat from the opposite side and be careful that the surgical site should not get hurt.